Weekly Challenge #252: "String Theory: Tangle within a tangle... it's like inception... but with tangles"

This will be short. Just want to get this up for the Diva's Challenge which is to use a tangle for a string, so I used Cadent and filled it with Cadent. That oughta do it!

Have a good week everyone!


Saffi said…
Lovely - cadent is my favourite tangle.
jeanchaneyaz said…
Cadent was my first thought too. I didn't do it thought, so it is nice to see yours. I think it is fantastic!
trixie04 said…
Cadent in Cadent and so many variations of it. That's really fantastic.
Unknown said…
So many variations and all beautifully done!!
A Cadent Monotangle, very clever, especially with so many versions in it. Beautifully drawn.
Suzanne Fluhr said…
Very clever. Nice idea and nice execution.
Simone Menzel said…
What a reat tile: Cadent in Cdent in Cadent ;-) with vry nice variations. I love it!
Candent was the first tangle I wanted to use, later I decided on ING.
I love your tile.
Ilse said…
Lovely tile!
art4u2c said…
Nesting Cadent...I like it!
Anonymous said…
Love your cadent in cadent. The black pearls really set it off.
Michele Wynne said…
Great tile! I love those black pearls.
I thought about Cadent also as it is one of my favorites and I enjoy trying different variations. I chose to go a different route. Nice work on this tile. Nice variations.
Great take on Cadent, I love the reflective quality of your baublz. Nice work.
Anonymous said…
It's amazing what you can do with just one pattern, so many possibilities. I like this a lot.
LezliB said…
Very nicely done. Cadent is one of my favorites and one of the first that I learned.

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