Knightsbridge and Tipple

This week's Diva Challenge was to use two patterns "Knightsbridge (checkerboard) and Tipple (bubbles). I had to do it rather quickly but I kind of like how it turned out! Thanks for another great challenge, Laura!


I like the boldness of your work here. Also great shading.
Mariët said…
I really like this :)
Meghna Patel said…
oh bubbles full of joy!!
Really lovely tile with great shading!
jeanchaneyaz said…
Very nice. I really was drawn to the offset black squares.
Didisch said…
Great shading in your tile. And I do like your bubbles!
Diane CZT said…
Great looking design. Having the larger elements on top of the knightsbridge really looks cool.
Helen said…
Love the super-sized elements!
Anonymous said…
I love how you get Knightsbridge to look like kitchen floor lino with other things on top. Brilliant.
Sue Sharp said…
great overlapping effect!
CeciliaB said…
I absolutely like how your tipple bubbles come out of the Knightsbridge background!!!
Like the large squares and tipple. They seem to be floating across the page.

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