Diva Challenge 76 and Aerial Maneuvers

OK. Confession time. I cheated on this week's Diva Challenge . I don't have a whole lot of time to spare this week. I'm working on some knitting commissions, and I have a work conference, and there's always the mountain of spinning...so my entry for this week's challenge, which is to tangle where you're from, is a couple of pieces I did a while back. But they fit the bill, so I'm going with that. I'm all about adapting on the fly this week. I love the idea of tangling where you're from. I tend to do a lot of Maine designs because I love it so much. It's beautiful and inspirational to me. Here is a piece I did when I first started tangling. I can't remember what that fish tangle along the bottom was called, but I really like it. I was surprised that a lot of people missed the moose the first time around! And here is one that I did as a t-shirt design idea and entered it in the employee art show at work. It's the second lob...