I've Got Too Much Stuff! (Said in an exasperated tone of voice!)
The more I pare down, the more stuff I have coming out of the woodwork! How does this happen?!?! Part of it is hobbies...I knit, spin, weave, draw, make baskets, 'play' music, etc. etc. etc. Each of these hobbies comes with it's own little cache of goodies that needs to be at the ready for when the mood strikes. Plastic bins here, plastic bins there! Here a spinning wheel, there a guitar, everywhere a flute, fluteā«. Because 99% of my hobbies involve 'making things', I have a bunch of knit goods, baskets, jewelry, etc. laying around. I give most of the stuff I've made away, but now that I'm trying to get my Etsy store going the 'homemade stuff I had laying around' now turns into 'official inventory' and needs a place to live. Because of my Etsy shop and the fact that I work from home some, I have an 'office'. OK so it's a corner of my bedroom, but still...it involves papers, writing utensils etc. and we all know how those ...