Busy Bee

I've been uber busy as usual. Here is a photo essay of recent events: I spun this: (Maine Blueberries roving) Into this: (Maine Blueberries singles) And then into this: (Maine Blueberries lace weight) I made this: (Pumpkin hat with wooden Halloween beads) I made this: (Mini pumpkin/caramel cheesecakes-recipe on Molly Bee's Attic) For his folks: When they came to visit for a couple of days. And in my 'spare time', I've set up 12 global video conference calls at work, found a returned a wallet with $340 bucks in it, gone to two game nights with friends, seen two movies, and attended three knitting events, all while doing housework, laundry, studying mindfulness and knitting little wool blobs to be felted into 'popcorn' for my Christmas tree. Needless to say, but I will anyway, I've been putting the OOOO! in Uber busy lately! More soon! Hope you had great weekend!