A Fabulous Hat Model and Getting To Know The Neighbors

On Monday night I finished the cable hat that I screwed up last week. My buddy Cole modeled it for me and after a few false starts.... ...his mum finally got the money shot and emailed it to me today! Isn't he the cutest ever? That is a 'Grade A Wisconsin Cheese Eating Grin' there if I ever saw one! You Da Man, Cole! Today was absolutely beautiful out and my apartment complex had a pot luck/bar-b-que, meet and greet at lunch time: We all brought out our dogs, dishes to pass, and lawn chairs and got to know each other. Nice folks, each and every one. Dog people are my kinda people! At one point, someone spilled beer on Ben so he smells a little like a brewery now, but he was more than happy to lick it all off. I only stayed for a couple of hours because I wanted to go to Last Saturday Knitting at 2PM. When I came back at 4PM they were still out there so I went out for a bit longer but then came in to feed/walk Ben, make some phone calls and catch on on computer stuff. It is...