
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Maiden Voyage of The SS Seabed: The 'Where There's A Will There's A Way' Tour

After talking about it for two years, I finally purchased a wee kayak earlier this summer. I looked on line for a way to load it onto the top of my car to carry it. I found a good solution which involved pool noodles and ratchet straps so I went out and purchased everything I would need, then waited for a good day to go out. When I was available, it rained....or was windy. When I was at work, it was gorgeous...all....summer....long. Finally I decided this weekend was the weekend. The weather was supposed to be good and I had a couple of friends lined up to go with me. I went out Friday night to load the kayak. I put the noodles on the car. I lifted the kayak up...and...the pool noodles fell off. I tried it again, same thing. I finally masking taped the ^&* noodles to the car and got the 30# kayak up over my head for the third time and got it settled on the foam. Now for the ratchet straps. I'd never used them before but they were pretty straight forward and I got them ov...

Lots of New Tangle Pattern Ideas!

I've been setting aside tangles that I've created in a special file in my cabinet. When I put one in last night, I realized that I had quite a stockpile and that I hadn't put only of them out there for others to here they all are. I'm not good at stepouts or at naming. Most of them are named after placed in Maine...just because. I'd love to see any tangles that you've done that use any of these patterns! Have fun and tangle on!

Invited to Downton Abbey

It was the weekend of museums!  Actually the long weekend of museums.  On Monday, friends Scott and Michael and I, hit the open road to Oshkosh to see the Downtown Abbey costume exhibit at the Payne  Museum. What a magnificent venue to have it in! The Payne House is a Tudor mansion and they had each of the rooms decked out a la Downton. Pictures weren't allowed; a fact I didn't know until I got busted about 3/4 of the way through.  Ooops! Oh well, my life of crime is your gain. The Dowager's Tea Dress Lady Edith Shirley McLaine wore this! Yum! Loves me a sharp dressed man!  I think men should still dress like this! Biking outfit They didn't have any costumes from my darling Mr. Bates, but it's probably for the best. I'm sure I would have caused quite a ruckus and more of a security breach than I already did. I took a lot more photos if anyone is interested, let me know and I'd love to share. After the exhibit, w...

Life On The Mighty Missip!

This morning I headed to Dubuque, Iowa to the Upper Mississippi Museum.  I started up under where it says 'You are here' in Madison. I went to see the Titanic Artifact Exhibit and it was AMAZING.  They wouldn't let you take any pictures though.  When you get to the entryway, they give you a boarding pass with a name and bio of a passenger on the ship. There are costumed folks that introduce themselves along the way as passengers of the ship.  There are posters, photos, artifacts all the way through and even a real iceburg that you could touch. Then at the end there's a big board of names and you find the name on your boarding pass and see if you survived the sinking. My name was Edith Evans and I was a first class passenger so I knew I probably made it. I smuggly joshed with folks along the way who said that they were third class passengers; saying that it was 'nice to know them'. When I got to the end, I found that I WENT DOWN WITH THE SHIP. I was one ...