The Maiden Voyage of The SS Seabed: The 'Where There's A Will There's A Way' Tour

After talking about it for two years, I finally purchased a wee kayak earlier this summer. I looked on line for a way to load it onto the top of my car to carry it. I found a good solution which involved pool noodles and ratchet straps so I went out and purchased everything I would need, then waited for a good day to go out. When I was available, it rained....or was windy. When I was at work, it was gorgeous...all....summer....long. Finally I decided this weekend was the weekend. The weather was supposed to be good and I had a couple of friends lined up to go with me. I went out Friday night to load the kayak. I put the noodles on the car. I lifted the kayak up...and...the pool noodles fell off. I tried it again, same thing. I finally masking taped the ^&* noodles to the car and got the 30# kayak up over my head for the third time and got it settled on the foam. Now for the ratchet straps. I'd never used them before but they were pretty straight forward and I got them ov...