Poor Poor Molly Bee!

Poor me! I had to spend this glorious summer Sunday afternoon meeting new friends and looking at this: and eating great food and looking at this: and visiting with interesting folks and lazing by this Yes, poor poor me! It's afternoons like this one that make up for the calamities that seem to befall me more frequently than the average bear! From the 'Animals Are Adorable Department'...this is my Mum's new kitty, Punkin . Before Mum got a 'real' furbaby , she got a stuffed dog (you can see his black paws below) and cat (the realistic black and white kitty is stuffed) that sleep on her bed. Punkin took one look and decided to join the gang during her nap times! Safety in numbers. Smart cookie that one! And from the 'Animals Will Kick You When You're Down' department.... Mr. Ben is a smart dog in most respects...smarter than me a lot more times than I'd like to admit in fact, but the one thing he WILL NOT do is come back when you call him. I...