Sun Ain't Nevah Gonna Shine Agin!

Last week... This week. ME. In an effort to not lose my ever-loving mind, there has been lots of knitting and drawing going on at Chez B for the last several days. Lack of sunshine and Vitamin D deficiency leads one to do many unusual knit wee sweaters that won't fit anyone. Then look at it and think..."I can make a smaller one!" So you do...just to make sure it really doesn't fit anyone...except maybe a hamster or a gerbil. And you know that if you had one, maybe a gerbil named Stewie, you would try it on him and if it fit, you'd make him a large wardrobe of knitted goods. You contemplate obtaining a gerbil. This is the only time when impassible roads are a good thing. If not for them, you would have 75 Stewies by now. Then you think that maybe it's not healthy to knit tiny things that won't fit anyone except maybe a gerbil named Stewie who you can't get to the store to buy, and decide to just doodle ...