Just Breathe.

This week's Diva Challenge was to choose a word for the year. Laura (The Diva her own self, doncha know) chose the word 'Open'. And then tangle around it. I pondered what my word should be. What do I aspire to in 2014? How do I boil 'For-The-Love-Of-God-Woman-Calm-Down-Relax-Let-It-Go-Let-It-Be-It-Is-What-It-Is-Take-A-Moment-To-Look-Around-You-And-Enjoy-Your-Blessings-And-Be-Present' into one word? Then it came to me. Breathe. Just...breathe. It's the most basic instruction of our existence, both physically and emotionally. Just breathe. You are enough. You are all you need to get through whatever trial is going on. Just be quiet, center yourself and breathe. Thanks so much for this week's insightful challenge, Laura!