Diva Weekly Challenge #295: "Reticula/Fragment part 2" Update!

Update: 12-1-16 THIS is what I was trying for in the Diva Challenge This is one of those times I'm sorry that I promised to put the first challenge tile I completed up-come what may. My intentions were pure but this baby came out a muddled mess. I wanted to do a straight grid with 4 'loose' fragment tiles floating on top. I still think the concept is sound and may try it with another fragment pattern. Picking a 3-D fragment like Cubine was a mistake. It all smooshed together into a mess. You're not having a bad acid flashback...it just looks that way-complete with lousy lighting, creased and smudged paper and my thumb. I didn't clean it up-why bother? Avert your eyes. Save yourself In other news, I kind of like this one. It's just from my doodle book but I was in a spring/summer mood on a rainy autumn night! Onward and upward....