Diva Challenge 202: Chebucto vs Copada

This weeks Diva Challenge was a duo tangle. Laura gave us two tangle patterns: Chebucto vs. Copada , both by one of my favorite CZT's, Margaret Bremner. If you click on the pattern names it will take you to her website where she does the step-outs. I vaguely remember trying Chebucto before but not Copada so it was fun to do two patterns that I was unfamiliar with. The tile turned out a little busy but I had fun with it anyway. I've had good news lately. On Monday I won first prize at the Promega Art Show with 'Ghost In The Barn: It came with a cash prize and then I sold the drawing the same day! Cool! I also attended the Wisconsin Zentangle Artist Coalition meeting last Saturday. We had a great meeting; lots of tips, tricks and beautiful work to see. It's great to network with other like-minded artists. It also makes you realize how far you have to go when you see some of the beautiful work that others are putting out there. I know tha...