Dibs and Dabs

It occurs to me that it has been a long, hot summer of goofing off in regards to blog writing. Now that the cool, crisp, fall weather reminds us that the long, cold, days of winter are just around the corner, I think it's time to stop flitting around, straighten and and blog write (sic)! A friend asked me a while back to make a couple of jewelry pieces with lady bugs and bumble bees. I did them right away when he asked and then realized that the way I had the oriented (diagonally) the design made it impossible for me to put the bales on the back so they couldn't be seen. Crap. So I finally got around to redoing them this weekend. Aside from my crappy photography skills, I am having uber camera problems so please excuse the blurry cell phone picture... There is a square pendant, a smaller, round pendant in a bag on the back and the pin. I made the pins with those gems that you can get for flower vases. They are a little irregularly shaped and chunky, that's what I...